Monday, February 9, 2009

Motorcycles, Bacteria and Sustainability

It's been a better past week. Everyone seems to be over their illnesses. We had to take my daughter (who turned 1 last week) to a local pediatrition to get her treated for diarrhea. The doc seemed competent, but the location was enough to make you nervous. It was small, dark, dingy and in the middle of a tough part of town. We had to take her because we weren't sure if she had parasites or was bacteria. She's on antibiotics and doing much better.

We also saw a motorcycle rally last week. La Caravana del Zorro. 40,000+ motorcyclists headed to Esquipulas to ask blessings from El Cristo Negro. Pretty cool to see that many motorcycles. We sat on the highway watching for more than an hour before the fumes started getting to us and we headed home.

Work here at the school is making slow progress. I've been able to go through the financials as well as continue work on teamwork and other organizational issues. Looking at everything closely, I really believe that in this location, a for-profit solution is the best answer. There is poverty, but there are also more resources than you would find in a place like Bangladesh or even Quiche (Guatemala). The major issues in this place are related to violence, abuse, lack of opportunity for progress, etc. I really believe in the power of the school to combat these problems. But I also believe that there are enough students who can pay to subsidize those who can't...And I think that with some help on financial management systems, the school will be capable of running on its own. And if they can, then it's better for everyone if they do. In addition, financial sustainability means the possibility to scale...hopefully this school will serve as a model for future schools. There is certainly a lot of work to do, but I'm optimistic.

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